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Welcome to the official website of Richard III’s Loyal Supporters!
We will be continually adding information in regards to our society’s activities and events, as well as highlighting details of the life of the great Duke and King, Richard III himself.
We very much hope that as we grow as a society, we will become an invaluable resource for those wishing to involve themselves in research regarding His Grace, adopt historical sites that are forever connected to him and especially to show our loyalty and respect to him as a once-living human being and help ensure that this respect is extended beyond the confines of our organisation.
Not only do we hope to change the circumstances surrounding the current ‘resting’ place of King Richard and how his presence and memory is being exploited for others’ monetary gain and notoriety, we will continue to correct many of the misconceptions concerning Richard’s life and persona, and encourage further research to hopefully uncover details yet to be discovered. Lastly, but certainly not least, as we consider ourselves loyal supporters, we would also like to acknowledge the loyal supporters of Richard’s day, who stood by his side, for better and for worse, and find ways to acknowledge their sacrifice and honour.